Claremont School

Claremont School 
C-1, 310 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4K 1N6

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By the Numbers


Grades Taught

Tuition (2014)

Stud/Teach Ratio

Enroll (2013)

Mission / Vision - In Their Words

Mission: To empower students with dyslexia to become independent and successful learners.

Our aim is to empower dyslexic students and prepare them for success in the mainstream once strong foundational knowledge is acquired, and to do so in the most effective and efficient manner.


Claremont's Introduction Video

What We Found

Targeted Students: Dedicated exclusively to dyslexic students in grades 1-9

Dyslexia Accommodation: All students receive Orton Gillingham (OG) instruction in the form of the "Clarement Writing Mastery Program" though Wilson and LindaMood Bell systems are also used. The school is a teacher-training institute for instructors seeking to apply to the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators.

Personal organization and time management are explicitly taught to students. These valuable skills are rarely taught explicitly in schools we have reviewed despite being almost universally needed among dyslexics. 

Work space and desks are designed in innovative ways to enable the student to keep track of materials and assignments, another exceptional accommodation.

Teacher Training: Staff consists of Ontario certified teachers who are trained in the Orton-Gillingham approach.  

Student Teacher Ratio: Varies from subject and class but averages about 6:1 and no more than 10-1.

Assistive Technology:  The use of technology to aid in learning is a skill that is explicitly taught, though there are few details on the site regarding exactly what technology is used in the school itself.

Financial Support: TBD

2014-15 Scorecard

Target Students / Mission: 4/4

Dyslexia Accommodation: 4/4

Teacher Training: 4/4

Student Teacher Ratio: 3/4

Assistive Technology: 3/4

Financial Support: TBD

Reading Well Scorecard for Claremont School

Based on information available at the school's website we have scored the school in six areas of importance to prospective parents and students.

Important Notes

1) Given the limitations of information available, the scores may not accurately represent the school. Contact the school directly for more information. School administrators or informed parents and students are welcome to contact us with additional information and we will update the scorecard accordingly.

2) Scoring is based on specific dyslexic student needs, not on an absolute scale of school quality.

DRW Scoring Grid

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